I'm Sean Van Holder form Mechelen (Belgium), a town between Antwerp and Brussels.
More than 20 years ago I was the bassist in the band Toulouse Lectric. After
a long time of parenting I picked up the bass again and after a few months of serious
practicing I joined a coverband named UNIT.
My very first bass was a Höfner Cavern 1962 bass (right-handed), so I had
to switch some things in order to play it. This bass was severly damaged during a 10
minutes break on a gig. (A real trauma…always take a back-up bass on tour!)
My next bass was a Fender Jazz Bass (lefty) and soon after that a Hohner bass.
I've sold them 20 years ago and I now regret this very much. Luckily I've found
new basses which I'm very fond of!
Sean |